
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in our understanding of the relationship between climate, energy and natural resources.


Our understanding of the relationship between climate, energy, and natural resources is undergoing monumental change.

We stimulate innovative solutions to this paradigm shift using architecture, public art, and education, recognizing that ultimately a sustainable economy requires a sustainable environment.

Our work includes and extends beyond strict architectural practice to encompass consulting on buildings and institutional practices, public art, and education.

Environmental Evangelists

We are a mission driven practice which seeks to educate the public about environmental and energy issues.

We use architecture, art and education to inspire a wide audience to assume leadership in developing a more sustainable world. Sustainability is the subtext that gets integrated into our design and consulting works. When we talk of sustainability, we embrace the inter-relationship of ecology, economy, and equity; we manage the complexities of natural and sustainable resources, building efficiencies, renewable energies, healthier building environments, and sustainable communities.